Costa Rica features an unique array of delicious and savory local dishes. Below are our top 5 recommendations for what to eat in Costa Rica on your next vacation.

1. Casado

Casado means “married.” This dish got its name because it marries multiple foods including rice, beans, salad, fried plantains, and meat (beef, chicken, pork, or fish). It is normally eaten at lunch or dinner.

2. Gallo Pinto

Gallo Pinto means “spotted rooster.” This dish consists of rice and beans mixed with other ingredients like red bell peppers, cilantro, onions, and Salsa Lizano (a Costa Rican condiment like Worcestershire sauce). The name came from speckled appearance of the black beans against the white rice. It is normally eaten for breakfast with eggs but can be eaten throughout the day.

3. Olla de Carne

Olla de Carne is a hearty beef stew with rich flavors. The main ingredients, besides beef, are fresh Costa Rican vegetables such as cassava, carrots, corn, plantains, and taro root. It is a weekend favorite and while it is a filling meal on its own, it often comes with a side of rice and beans.

4. Chifrijo

Chifrijo is a combination of chicharrones (fried pork rinds) and frijoles (beans). It is like a savory layer cake of black beans, rice, chicharrones, pico de gallo, and avocado slices, served on a bed of tortilla chips. It is a perfect snack or can be a filling meal. You will find this dish frequently at farmer’s markets or bars.

5. Patacones

Patacones are a delicious snack or appetizer. There are flattened twice-fried green plantains topped with sea salt and served with pico de gallo or a black bean dip.

Now you know what to eat in Costa Rica

Are you hungry yet? Let us plan custom luxury vacation for you to Costa Rica! Contact us today to explore Costa Rica and its delicious food.